Have you ever found yourself updating dependencies in a complex package.json, needing to determine which package versions are compatible with a specific peer dependency version? For example, let's say you're transitioning to Webpack 5 and must upgrade all outdated Webpack plugins. Typically, you would look at each plugin's documentation, hoping to find a peer version compatibility matrix. Another approach is to directly explore each plugin's registry entry, examining the peerDependencies across all published versions. This can be quite time-consuming for packages with extensive version histories, and I couldn't find an existing tool to automate this task. So, I wrote one:

const axios = require("axios");
const semver = require("semver");

async function minMaxSatisfy(packageName, peerPackage, version) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(
    const versions = response.data.versions;

    const compatibleVersions = Object.keys(versions).filter((pkgVersion) => {
      const peerDependencies = versions[pkgVersion].peerDependencies || {};
      const peerDependencyRange = peerDependencies[peerPackage];
      return (
        peerDependencyRange && semver.satisfies(version, peerDependencyRange)

    compatibleVersions.sort((a, b) => (semver.lt(a, b) ? -1 : 1));

    return {
      min: compatibleVersions[0],
      max: compatibleVersions[compatibleVersions.length - 1],
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error fetching package info: ${error.message}`);

For example, to determine which versions of eslint-webpack-plugin are compatible with Webpack 5.89.0, you can use the function like this:

minMaxSatisfy("eslint-webpack-plugin", "webpack", "5.89.0").then((res) =>

This returns a list of compatible versions, including the earliest and latest compatible versions, in JSON format:

  "compatibleVersions": [
  "min": "1.0.0",
  "max": "4.0.1"